You have questions, and we have answers. Take a few minutes to read through the frequently asked questions below to get answers to the most common questions we receive. If you have a question that is not answered below, please send us an email via our contact page.

General FAQs

How much money can I make with adult websites?

The amount of money you can make is limited only by the quality and number of websites you put online. The more lines you have in the water, the more fish you are going to catch. There are adult video websites that make $100 per month, and there are others that generate over $10,000 per month.

Think of it this way … If you build a crappy website, it will probably generate crappy profits. But, if you take a little time to build a great website, and fill it with great content, your chances for it generating a solid income increase drastically. You know how it works. You have gone to crappy websites and left as fast as you got there. At the same time, you have been to great websites, and you want to stick around and see more. The same works in the niche adult video website game.

Let’s look at a couple examples of potential income that can be earned from your niche adult video websites:

Example 1

You have 5 great niche domain names / websites.

$100 per month income per website = $500/month $250 per month income per website = $1,250/month $500 per month income per website = $2,500/month $1000 per month income per website – $5,000/month

Example 2

You have 10 great niche domain names / websites

$100 per month income per website = $1,000/month $250 per month income per website = $2,500/month $500 per month income per website = $5,000/month $1000 per month income per website – $10,000/month

To wrap up. If your websites only generate $100 per month each, and you spend a total of $1,000 setting up 5 websites, or $1,500 setting up 10 websites, it will take about 3 months to achieve payback. Once you have achieved payback, everything else is pure profit [less any recurring charges you may have – annual hosting renewal, advertising, paid traffic, etc..].

What are the best niches for an adult video website?

You will want to focus on niches that have a wider/larger audience to have the opportunity for the most visitors/traffic to your website. But, there is something to be said for focusing on more obscure niches, as they will have much less competition, and you have a higher opportunity to rank high in search.

You will also want to focus on niches that excite you as well. If you are building a website dedicated to a niche that you like, you will be more likely to build a better website, because of your inherent interest.

The reality is that there are freaks of all colors and stripes out there in the world, so you might as well build something that turns you on as well.

How much will I spend getting my websites setup?

How much you spend to get your niche adult video websites setup will depend on a few main factors. What is your personal budget? How many websites do you want to build to get started? How many premium WordPress website plugins will you buy to make your site faster, more secure, better looking? And, what level of website hosting service are you going to get?

Only you know what your personal budget is, so we can’t answer that one for you. But, you should be ready to spend $500+ to get started at the most basic level [domain name, website hosting, and adult video WordPress plugin/theme].

Most folks start with a goal of building 3 – 5 websites to get their business started, because once you have built your first site, building site’s 2+ will go much faster. plus, you can host multiple website on the same hosting plan [if you buy the right one, like SiteGround GoGeek plan], and your license for the WordPress adult video plugin and theme will be good for multiple websites.

A Quick Budget:

You can see above that you are only looking at about $950 to get started with 3 niche adult video websites. But, if each of these websites earns only $100 per month, they will pay for themselves in just over 3 months, and the rest of the money is pure profit. How many passive income businesses can you start for about $1000? Plus, it is not uncommon for a good niche adult video website to earn $500 – $1000+ per month, or even much more.

Domain Names

Why are your prices so low for premium adult website domain names?

We list our adult website domain names at 15% or less than appraised value so they will sell quickly, and our buyers get an awesome deal. We could very easily list them at prices of 50% – 75% or 100% of appraised value, but our business model is to turn and burn. Our specialty is identifying and acquiring the best possible niche adult website domain names, and getting them into the hands of the folks that want to build great niche adult websites.

How long does it take to get my domain name when I buy from you?

We list all of our domain names in GoDaddy Auctions, because there are very few domain name aftermarkets that allow adult website domain names. This means you will need to open a GoDaddy account in order to buy one or more of our domain names. It is free to create a GoDaddy account and setup only takes a couple minutes.

When you choose to buy one of our domain names on GoDaddy Auctions via the Buy Now option, your domain name will transferred from our account, and added to your account within about 24 hours. Many of our customers see their purchased domain names in their account within minutes of completing their purchase.

If you choose to make an offer for one of our domain names, the process will take a little bit longer. We will be notified when you place your offer, then we will need to respond with either a counter offer, or acceptance of your offer. Once a deal has been made, you will need to complete the purchase process, then your domains will be transferred into your account.

I want to purchase many of your domain names. Can we make a deal?

Yes. If you want to purchase multiple domain names from us, you can contact us directly via email with the domain names you would like to buy and your offer. Transactions like this are handled through a PayPal invoice we will send to you, and then your domains will be transferred from our GoDaddy account to yours when your payment is confirmed.

Please note: Until we make a deal, all domain names will remain active on GoDaddy Auctions, so the domain names you want to make a deal on could be purchased by someone else. This is why we always recommend that when you find domain names that you want, use the Buy Now option to ensure that you get them.

Can I return the domain names I purchased and receive a refund?

No. All sales are final.

Due to the nature of domain name ownership and ownership transfer, we do not offer any refunds or returns. When we acquire the domain names we sell, we know that the moment we buy them, we own them, and there is no return or refund. The same applies to when we sell domain names.

If you decide you don’t want your domain names after purchasing, we recommend that you relist them on GoDaddy Auctions. We sell our domain names for a fraction of their apprised value, so the opportunity to turn a profit from reselling them is high.

Can I resell the domain names I buy from you?

Absolutely! You can list your domains for sale within minutes of them being transferred to your GoDaddy account. Since we price all of our domain names at about 15% of appraised value, there is a great potential upside to relisting them at a higher price than you paid us for them. You could easily buy them from us at 15% of appraised value, and then relist them at a price all the way up to their appraised value.

Please note: There are precious few domain name aftermarkets that allow the listing of adult website domain names. This is why we conduct all of our sales through the GoDaddy Auctions website. If you plan to resell your domain names, we highly recommend GoDaddy Auctions.

What makes a great niche adult website domain name?

Short – Focused & Memorable.

Short – you want your domain names to be as short as possible. The longer the domain name, the great chance a potential visitor will misspell it, or not even have the interest to type it out.

Focused – you are targeting niches within the adult video website market, so your domain name should speak to exactly the niche you are targeting.

Memorable – you have to have a domain name that is easy to remember. If your domain name is obscure or uses alternative spelling, it is much less likely to be successful.

How many years should I register my domain names?

We recommend that you register your new niche adult website domain names for 3 – 5 years, or at least as many years as you can afford. Search engines want to see that your domain names are registered for more than 1 year, because they think that domain names only registered for 1 year could be scam or throw-away domain names.

Do I need to get upgraded privacy protection on my domain names?

When you purchase our domains through GoDaddy Auctions, you will automatically get basic privacy protection, but you will also be offered the opportunity to buy upgraded privacy protection. There are privacy protection benefits to purchasing one of the enhanced privacy options, it just depends on how much of your personal information you want directly connected to an adult website domain name.

Some folks will want to purchase the top-level privacy protection because they have a professional reputation to protect, and others because they simply want to keep everything at arm’s length.

Can I transfer my domain names to another registrar?

Yes. There is a mandatory 60 day waiting period after you purchase a domain from us through GoDaddy Auctions when you will need to keep your domains registered with GoDaddy. But, after the 60 day waiting period, you are free to transfer them to any domain registrar that you want.

The 60 day waiting period is an ICANN requirement, and not something that GoDaddy can change. The only change you can make during the 60 day waiting period is transferring your domains from one GoDaddy account to another GoDaddy account.

Why should I buy your domain names?

How much is your time worth?

Most people who get started with adult websites will get on GoDaddy [or another domain registrar] and start searching adult website domain names, only to find that everything they can think of is taken. Then, after hours of searching, they end up buying crappy, auto-suggested versions of domain names, because they are simply tired of searching.

We save you all the time, aggravation, and hassle of searching.  We spend hours every day scouring the internet for premium niche adult website domain names that are short, easy to remember, and search engine keyword focused. Plus, we sell them for a small fraction of their appraised value.

So, you can either spend hours searching for a single great domain name, or spend hours building your next website.

Website Hosting

What level website hosting plan do I need?

How big of a website hosting plan you need will depend on how many websites you want to start with, and how many websites you plan to add in the future. The great thing about website hosting, is if you go with a great hosting company like SiteGround, you can get started on their GoGeek shared hosting plan, and seamlessly upgrade to a virtual private server [VPS] when you outgrow the GoGeek plan.

A shared hosting plan is where most folks should get their start, because there is no reason to start paying for higher prices VPS service until your site traffic and income generation dictate the need for it.

However, if you plan to build many websites quickly, it can be to your benefit to start immediately with a virtual private server. SiteGround’s VPS start at only $80 per month for a managed VPS, plus you still get all their awesome WordPress support and tools. Other great options for a VPS are Cloudways and Vacares, as they offer high performance options and provide awesome customer service.

Which website hosting companies do you recommend?

The three top website hosting companies for adult video websites are SiteGround, Cloudways, and Vacares.

For anyone just starting out, SiteGround offers incredible WordPress support and has web servers specifically tuned to make WordPress websites load incredibly fast. Plus, they provide incredible customer service, powerful shared hosting in their GoGeek plan, and easy migration from a GoGeek shared hosting plan to their virtual private servers / cloud servers. SiteGround’s VPS are highly scale-able completely managed, and launched ready for hosting dozens of WordPress websites in just a few clicks.

For folks that want to jump right into more of an advanced environment of virtual private servers, Cloudways and Vacares offer enterprise class hosting environments. These options would be best for folks that already have more advanced experience working with websites and hosting environments, or that have a “web guy” or business partner that has the necessary experience. If you plan on launching 10+ websites very quickly, Cloudways or Vacares are definitely worth looking into.


How much does website hosting cost?

The cost of your website hosting will depend on how many websites you plan to build / launch, and the amount of traffic / visitors they get on a monthly basis. If you only plan to launch 3-5 websites, then a shared plan should suffice for the near future. If you plan to go big, then consider going the VPS [virtual private server] route.

For the folks that want to get started on a smaller scale, like 3 – 5 websites, the SiteGround GoGeek hosting plan is extremely affordable when you prepay for a year or more of service. When you prepay a year or more, it comes out to less than $15 per month, and this will handle about 100k total visitors per month. And, you can easily migrate from a GoGeek shared hosting plan to a scale-able VPS with a couple of clicks and DNS records update.

If you plan to go big, then a VPS / cloud server may be the right choice for you. On VPS / cloud server, you can host more websites, and get faster delivery, but it does come at an additional cost.

SiteGround‘s entry level VPS starts at $80 per month, and you can scale up the resources on demand.

Cloudways‘ vps service starts at about $42 per month for their most popular starter plan, and goes up from there. They offer great service and are very experienced with WordPress.

Vacares‘s SSD VPS start at about $50 per month for something similar to Cloudways and scale up from there.

Any of these hosting companies will provide you with awesome service, blazing fast websites, and they are adult website friendly.

I like the SiteGround GoGeek plan. How many years should I prepay?

We recommend that you prepay for the longest term you can afford, so you can lock in the upfront savings. SiteGround offers a serious discount on your first purchase, so it is totally worth it to buy the 3 year prepay option if you can afford it [about $450]. Plus, if you need to move up to their virtual private server hosting, any unused credit will go towards your upgrade, so you won’t lose a penny.

I like Cloudways. Which plan should I choose?

You will need to decide how many websites you want to start building, and go from there. The most popular Cloudways hosting plan starts at about $40 per month and this should be adequate for most folks just starting out. Plus, it is easy to increase resources when you need it.

WordPress Plugins

Which security / firewall plugin should I use on my WordPress website?

There are some great firewall / security plugins for WordPress, and most have a free version that you can use. We highly recommend WordFence, and you will see that WordFence is one of the highest rated in the WordPress plugin directory. You can start with the free version, then decide if you want to upgrade to their premium version later on.

Other popular WordPress security plugins are Sucuri, and and All-in-One WP Security and Firewall. No matter which one you choose, you MUST make sure your website is secure. Getting hacked sucks. So, make sure you have your website locked up tight.

Do I need an SEO plugin? And which one should I choose?

Yes, you absolutely need an SEO plugin. There is absolutely no question about that. And, there is only one SEO plugin that we recommend, and that is RankMath. There are other good SEO plugins, but none of them offer as much as RankMath. Plus, RankMath is free.  Yes, RankMath will release a premium version in the future, but none of the others can compete with the ease of use and powerful options that RankMath offers.

Do I need a caching plugin?

Yes. Installing a good caching plugin will make a world of difference in your site loading speed. Fast page loads are crucial to keeping visitors on your site, and you will rank higher on search engines with a fast loading website.

Depending on which adult video plugins you choose to use [WP-Script or TubeAce], we suggest you ask them which caching plugin they recommend you use with their products.

Are there other WordPress plugins you recommend?

Of course, but we also suggest you try to keep your plugin count to only the plugins you absolutely need. The more plugins you install, the slower your website will be. That said, here are a few we recommend:

Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster – this is an awesome plugin that allows you to decide which scripts and other assets are loaded on different pages. This can make a huge difference in your page load speeds.

WP-Optimize – this plugin helps clean up revisions and optimize your database. Totally worth installing and using.

Thirsty Affiliates – this is an awesome plugin for cloaking your affiliate links.


Adult WordPress Themes & Plugins

What is a “white label” website?

A white label website is a completely developed, hosted website that you can add your domain name, logo and make other / some custom changes. White label websites, like adult webcam websites, make setting up and deploying a new website fast.

The biggest drawbacks to white label websites are the limited options for custom changes, unknown hosting speed, and if the company goes out of business, so do you.

Which white label adult webcam site[s] do you recommend?

Our favorite white label adult webcam website is Chaturbate. Chaturbate runs a powerful platform, has tons of niches, and a good affiliate program. Getting setup as a webmaster / affiliate is as easy as clicking this link.

White Label Adult Cam Websites

Which adult website plugin and theme developer is the best?

We only recommend two WordPress adult website / theme developers, WP-Script & TubeAce. Both of these developers have proven themselves to make a quality product and provide good support and regular updates.

We are partial to WP-Script, because they are constantly releasing new and innovative updates, like their new turn-key niche websites. Plus, they have a Master Pack that gets you all their plugins and themes at an awesome discount.

Can I use my own theme with WP-Script or TubeAce plugins?

Yes. You can use your own theme and page builders with WP-Script or TubeAce’s plugins. This is a great way to set your websites apart from the competition. But, you will have more website building work to do, because their themes are pretty turn-key right out of the box.

If you decide you want to build your niche adult video websites on a different theme, we highly recommend Astra. Astra is a lightning fast theme, and it works with either Beaver Builder or Elementor page builders. The combination of Astra and either Beaver Builder or Elementor will make building your custom website fast.

I found a free WordPress theme, is it ok to use?

It is probably ok to use, but we caution against using free themes, as you get what you pay for. Most free themes are not regularly updated, and known to not be high performance when it comes to page load speed.

Think of it this way … How long are you willing to wait for a website to load before you close the tab or click the back button? For most people, the answer to that question is just a couple/few seconds. Losing visitors because of a slow loading theme is like throwing money out the window.

Yes, there are many other factors that affect page load speed, but the WordPress theme you choose does play a huge part. This is why we highly recommend you use the themes available from WP-Script or TubeAce, or choose Astra [plus Beaver Builder or Elementor page builder] if you want build a custom website.


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