Finding An Adult Website Hosting Company

One most difficult steps in setting up niche adult video websites is finding a website hosting company that will host adult websites. There are thousands of hosting companies out there, but hosting companies that will allow adult content are few and far between. And, among those hosting companies that do allow adult content, which ones actually have good support, and fast servers and great prices?

Have no fear! I have culled through the dozens and dozens of hosting companies that allow adult websites. And I have analyzed performance, customer satisfaction, and pricing, and identified the three that stand out from the crowd.

Our Review Criteria: Speed, Support & Price

To keep this blog post read-able, and not super geeky, I am not including any graphs, diagrams, pocket protectors or slide rulers. I am just going to get through the most important items when it comes to finding quality porn website hosting. If you would like to see graphs, diagrams or read about customer satisfaction polling methodology, there is plenty of that available in other corners of the internet.

For those of you that need some kind of stimulating images to keep your attention, here are two pics. One for the men & lesbians, and the other for the ladies / gays. Sorry, but I couldn't find any pictures for folks that self-identify as unicorns and are attracted to non-binary sex dolls... but I will keep looking.

Top Three Adult Website Hosting Companies - 2019 - Here's the top three adult website hosting companies in 2019. If you're looking for great porn website hosting, then look no further, we've found'em for you!
Top Three Adult Website Hosting Companies - 2019 - Here's the top three adult website hosting companies in 2019. If you're looking for great porn website hosting, then look no further, we've found'em for you!

Ok. Better now?


Now let's get down to business.

Hosting Speed

If there is one thing that will chase your website visitors away faster than models with open lesions on their sexy parts, it's a slow loading website. Today's porn surfers don't have the patience to sit and wait more than a couple / few seconds for a page to load before they are off to the next porn website to see if their pages load faster.

There are a few main things that contribute to slow loading web pages:

  • Initial response time of the hosting server
  • Content delivery speed of the hosting server
  • Overall web page weight [how many kb or mb is your total page size]

The porn website hosting company you choose must have a lightning fast initial response time, and then be able to deliver your page data just as quickly. Both of these criteria are crucial to your visitor's satisfaction, and they play a big part in your ranking on search engines. Slow loading websites can rank significantly lower than sites that load fast.

The overall page weight is completely up to you. The more data you pile into your pages [graphics, pictures, etc.], the larger your page size. I am not saying to limit the amount of data you include on your pages, I am saying that you need to build smart, and make sure page components are properly optimized. We use ShortPixel to optimize all of our images. Just running our images through ShortPixel, we can save 50% or more of an image's weight, without sacrificing quality.

Yes, there are many other things that go into page load speed, including: using a CDN [Content Delivery Network - CloudFlare is an excellent CDN that offers a free tier], making sure you are leveraging caching correctly, and that you are keeping your WordPress site up-to-date to name a few. But, for this post, we are keeping the focus on the basics.

Customer Support

Awesome customer support is a key item for anyone that wants to launch a grip of niche adult websites. Inevitably, there will be issues that come up from time-to-time, and working with a company that not only supports their hosting service, but understands and offers support for WordPress is imperative to your success. This is especially true for any newbies out there just jumping into the website building game. If you're brand new to building websites, excellent customer support is something you will rely on in the beginning.

I could go on about how important great customer support is, but I think this is something we all understand.

Hosting Price

Here is a topic that can cut in two directions. We all want to save money. We all want to get the most for our money. But, when it comes to adult website hosting, it's like going out for dinner, you get what you pay for. Sure, you could go to Micky-D's and get a burger and fries for cheap, but that mass production burger  and crappy counter service will never compare to having a meal at a top-notch steakhouse.

There are reasons that there are hosting companies out there with crazy low prices willing to host porn websites. They have slow servers and crappy service. This is a business you are starting up, so take it seriously. The few extra dollars you spend every month on high quality adult website hosting will pay itself back over and over again through increased revenue.

It takes money to make money, and quibbling over a few dollars is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. So, don't be a cheap ass. Invest in the best.

Our Top Three Porn Website Hosting Companies

After reviewing all the previously mentioned criteria, and taking into account our own experience dealing with many different hosting companies, I am happy to present the top three adult website hosting companies in 2019. SiteGround, Cloudways and Vacares truly set themselves apart from every other hosting company that allows adult content.

I also give special props to SiteGround and Cloudways for being the easiest platforms to work with, and offering excellent WordPress support. In fact,  both SiteGround and Cloudways are recognized by WordPress as a top hosting companies.


Of the three recommended hosting companies on this list, SiteGround is the only one that offers shared hosting packages, as well as VPS [Virtual Private Servers / Cloud Servers]. Choosing a shared hosting environment can be a good choice for folks just starting out, or anyone that wants to save some money in the beginning, while still having the ability to migrate their websites easily to a VPS.

If you want to start on a shared hosting plan, the GoGeek plan from SiteGround offers incredible speed, features, and awesome price. On their new customer annual pre-pay option, you can get the GoGeek plan for about $12/month [you can buy a 1, 2, or 3 year prepaid service plan]. When the time comes for you to migrate to their VPS service, it's a near seamless transition. Considering that the GoGeek plan will comfortably accommodate about 100,00 visitors per month, it is a very affordable way to get started.

SiteGround's VPS plans start at $80 per month for and you can increase the resources as needed [storage, cpu's, memory, etc.].


If your plan is to launch a bunch of porn video websites quickly, and know that a VPS is what you want from the very beginning, then Cloudways should be the first hosting company you should check out. Cloudways has VPS plans that start as low as $10 per month, with their most  popular starter plan running about $42 per month.

When you peruse the features offered by Cloudways, you will see that they are providing an enterprise-class cloud hosting environment that any startup can afford. So, if you are ready to go big from the beginning, then Cloudways could be the right choice for your adult video website empire.


Do you have experience working on VPS platforms? Then Vacares just might be the right choice for your porn video websites. Vacares offers two options on their virtual private servers - HDD [traditional hard disk drives], and SSD [solid state drives]. You can save a few bucks per month by going with an HDD VPS, or you can opt for higher performance by choosing their SSD VPS.

Vacares's VPS service can start as low as $10 per month for a fairly bare-bones hosting environment that can be scaled up as needed. Compared to SiteGround and Cloudways, you are going to lose the top-end WordPress support, but for advanced users, Vacares can be a great choice.

Wrapping It up

Well, I hope all this info has helped you figured out which website hosting company will be the right choice for you. If you have any questions, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page. Want to know what are the best WordPress plugins for building porn video websites? Check my post where I review the top two adult video website plugin developers. Any other questions, please feel free to drop us an email via our Contact page.

Now, buy your niche adult website domain names from us, because Dixie loves to see our domain names swallowed up by our client ... and get out there and build your niche adult video website empire!

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